Feb 13, 2025
2023-2024 WWCC College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
BIOL 180 - Introduction to Conservation Credits: 5 LEC hours per week: 5 This is an introductory, non-lab science course designed for interested students in fulfillment of the general education non-lab science requirements. Topics include: the history, philosophical paradigms, central concepts, techniques, and challenges of conserving major natural resources in varied social, economic, and political contexts. A brief introduction of ecology and environmental biology will serve as the foundation for discussion of conservation concepts. Prerequisite(s): ENGL 087 or AENG 100 with a grade of C or higher or appropriate placement; or permission of the Science Division Chair or designee. Recommended: READ 088 or higher. Course Outcomes:
- Solve conservation problems systematically and adeptly.
- Reason qualitatively and logically about conservation phenomena.
- Express knowledge in multiple forms.
- Explain the three approaches to conservation.
- Analyze case studies based on conservation principles.
Course Topics:
- Biological science introduction
- Ecology introduction
- Balance and flux
- Methodology
- Utilitarian approach
- Preservationist approach
- Ecosystem approach
Course Attribute(s): Natural Science