Jan 21, 2025  
2023-2024 WWCC College Catalog 
2023-2024 WWCC College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Additional Educational Opportunities

High School Programs

509.527.4619 - Walla Walla • 509.758.3339 - Clarkston

Open Doors

Open Doors is a partnership with local school districts to provide high school completion opportunities to youth under the age of 21. To enroll, students who meet state outline entrance requirements are referred by their local high school. Afterward, students meet with the Access & Opportunity Navigator to complete the intake process and must take a placement test prior to registration.

CTE Dual Credit

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Dual Credit emphasizes a rigorous and focused course of study that includes academic and workplace skills. High school students simultaneously earn course credit at their local high school/skills center and at WWCC. The approved course is taught on the high school campus by a qualified CTE high school instructor whose curriculum is equivalent to the matching CTE/workforce college course. To earn college course credit, high school students must enroll in an approved high school course and successfully complete the course requirements with a “B or above”. After these requirements are met, the student who chooses to have the CTE Dual Credit transcribed at WWCC should complete a “Request Transcribed Credit” online form available on the College website. After the request has been approved by WWCC staff, the credits will be placed on a WWCC transcript.

College in the High School

College in the High School is a program for academically capable high school students to take college courses on the high school campus at a reduced tuition rate. Participating qualified high school teachers deliver a quarter-long WWCC course over one semester or one year, based on the high school’s academic calendar. The high school teachers work closely with WWCC faculty liaisons to ensure that the work their students perform in the high school course is equivalent to the comparable course taught on the College campus. Course prerequisites apply, and WWCC can assist with placement tests when needed. This program allows students to accelerate their academic studies without sacrificing their high school experience or impacting the school, sport, or club participation. Students are co-enrolled at the high school and WWCC, which provides the opportunity to fulfill college and high school course credit requirements at the same time. All grades are automatically transcribed at WWCC at the conclusion of the course.

Running Start

509.527.4262 - Walla Walla • 509.758.3339 - Clarkston

The Running Start program provides an opportunity for eligible juniors and seniors in public high schools to enroll in classes at WWCC and earn college credits while completing high school graduation requirements. Home-schooled and private school students must enroll through a public high school to participate in this program. Running Start students qualify by completing the placement assessment process and meeting with a Running Start navigator; the navigator determines appropriateness of placement for the academic program or courses they wish to participate in (including most Workforce programs).  Once determined eligible, students must meet with their high school counselor to receive paperwork, then met with WWCC again to advise, complete an orientation, and enroll in recommended courses. Running Start students are required to pay quarterly fees and provide their own textbooks. Students may qualify for fee waivers and textbook assistance by providing documentation to their Running Start advisor by the first day of the quarter.

Transitional Studies

509.527.4637 - Walla Walla • 509.758.3339 - Clarkston

Whether pursuing an academic or workforce pathways, Transitional Studies provides a variety of course options for students who are preparing for entry into college-level coursework or programs. Students are in a supportive, challenging environment that respects and honors diversity.

Transitional Studies offers courses and services to help students upgrade skills in reading, writing, communication, and mathematics. Students can:

  • Take high school level classes that meet Washington State graduation requirements
  • Study to take the General Education Development (GED®) examination
  • Take college preparation courses and develop skills for entering the workforce
  • Develop English language skills for non-English speakers

The time required to complete a course depends on individual learning needs. A student can be co-enrolled in a degree or certificate program. Students who complete college classes normally experience higher skill achievement and greater success in academic and workforce classes as well as increase their potential for greater earning power in the workforce. Students may be required to take ongoing pre-and post- CASAS assessments.

The following courses are offered by Transitional Studies.

Career and Academic Preparation (CAP)

CAP courses offer students an opportunity to reach their goals by building on prior experience as they grow academic skills such as reading, writing, oral communication, critical thinking, technology, and mathematics. Students are prepared to earn an Adult High School Diploma, GED®, and increase their English language skills. Students will then be able to transition to academic transfer or workforce programs.

General Education Development (GED®) Exam Preparation

GED® preparation classes are designed for individuals who wish to take the GED® exam or to prepare for the college entrance exam. Courses integrate content from the following subject areas: reasoning through language arts; science; social studies; and mathematical reasoning.

English Language Acquisition (ELA)

ELA courses are offered to limited English proficient students to develop communication skills, pursue a higher degree, function effectively in jobs, and participate as members of the community. Course pathways include Adult High School completion, GED® tests, college, or current or future work. Students enrolled in IDEA (Integrated Digital English Acceleration) courses learn English as well as college and workplace skills. Classes may be taught using a team-teaching model to facilitate classroom and online learning.

Adult High School Completion (HS+)

HS+ is a competency-based high school diploma designed for adult learners who do not have a high school diploma or have a GED® and wish to complete the high school diploma requirements. This program encourages lifelong learning and prepares students to transition into college programs to further their education or to acquire family-wage jobs.


Pre-College courses are offered in reading, writing, and math. Coursework prepares students for success in college-level courses and workforce programs. Students are placed in the appropriate course after being assessed by ACCUPLACER in reading, writing, and math in addition to multiple measure assessments.

Integrated Basic Education Skills Training (I-BEST)

I-BEST programs are designed for students to improve their English or basic skills while earning college-level certificates or two-year degrees. In the I-BEST program, classes are team-taught by one content instructor and one basic skills instructor providing additional academic support in college courses. Each I-BEST program includes the opportunity to build basic reading, math, and English skills. I-BEST students must meet at least one of the following criteria to be eligible:

Students test below college level in reading or math on the CASAS and meet the minimum score requirements.

Students don’t have their high school diploma or GED® and meet the minimum score requirement.

Students who have their high school diploma or GED® but may have been out of school for a long period of time and test below college level on CASAS or other college placement assessments in reading or math and would like extra support in the classroom.

Intensive English Language Program (IELP)

The IELP program supports international students who are preparing to study in a U.S. college/university or assists them in reaching their personal or career goals. Classes are small and interactive. Most students who complete IELP enroll in the 2 + 2 Transfer Program and then transfer to universities across the United States.