Jan 21, 2025  
2022-2023 WWCC College Catalog 
2022-2023 WWCC College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

About Our Programs

Transfer Degrees Summary Chart

For all transfer options listed below, students should contact the transfer institution for any additional requirements, procedures for admission, and to determine an appropriate education plan.
Associate in Arts - DTA* Designed to fulfill general education requirements at Washington State baccalaureate institutions.
Plan Code: LASDTAA
Associate in Science - Option I Designed for students majoring in biological sciences, chemistry, geology, environmental/resource science, & earth science.
Plan Code: LRST1AS
Associate in Science - Option II Designed for students majoring in engineering, computer science, physics, & atmospheric sciences.
Plan Code: PHST2AS
Associate in Biology - DTA/MRP** Designed to streamline and facilitate preparation for upper division coursework in Biology at many baccalaureate institutions in Washington state.
Plan Code: GEBBIAS
Associate in Business - DTA/MRP** For students transferring to a baccalaureate institution to major in business.
Plan Code: BUCBUAA
93 or more
Associate in Math Education - DTA/MRP** For students planning to major in secondary math education at a baccalaureate institution.
Plan Code: METMEAS
Associate in Nursing - DTA/MRP** Completion of this degree allows a student to be eligible to take the National Council Licensure Examination-Registered Nurse (NCLEX-RN) for licensure as a Registered Nurse. Passing the NCLEX-RN exam and completion of this transfer degree provide the general education and nursing courses for direct transfer with only one additional year of study to complete the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN-to-BSN pathway).
Plan Code: RENDTAA

*DTA stands for Direct Transfer Agreement. **MRP stands for Major Related Program.

Associate in Applied Science-Transfer Degrees Summary Chart

AAS-T degrees are dual purpose degrees intended to prepare students for employment in specific fields and for transfer to specific baccalaureate degree programs.
AAS-T degrees generally will not be accepted in transfer in preparation for bachelor degree programs in the same way the Associate degrees listed above are. While the general education component will transfer, it may not satisfy all the general education components at a baccalaureate institution. Each degree has a specific articulation with specific schools. Please see the individual department websites for information regarding articulation agreements for the degrees listed below.
Agri-Business ABMABAAS 110
Agricultural Business and Economics ABMAAAAS 100-120
Agriculture Education PTTAEAAS 105
Agricultural Science and Technology - Food Science CRPAFAAS 90
Agricultural Science and Technology - Organic Agriculture CRPAOAA 105
Agricultural Science and Technology - Plant & Soil Science CRPAPAAS 111
Agricultural Technology and Production Management AMOAPAAS 115
Animal Science - Animal Management ALPAMAAS 108
Animal Science - Pre-Veterinary ALPPVAAS 108
Early Childhood Education ECEECAAS 91
Watershed Ecology - Earth Sciences NRCWEAAS 90
Watershed Ecology - Environmental and Ecosystem Sciences NRCWVAAS 91
Watershed Ecology - Forestry NRCWFAAS 91
Watershed Ecology - Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Science NRCWWAAS 91

Associate in Applied Science Degrees Summary Chart

Accounting Technology ATBATAPT 93
Administrative Office Professional OMSAPAPT 92-93
Agricultural Business ABMABAPT 98
Animal Science ALPASAPT 98-108
Automotive Repair Technology AUMRTAPT 105
Business Administration BAMBAAPT 92-93
Business Marketing MAMBAAPT 95
Collision Repair Technology ACRCTAPT 141
Cosmetology CSMCOAPT 114
Criminal Justice CJLCJAPT 92.2-106.2
Culinary Arts CACCAAPT 91.4
Diesel Technology DMTDTAPT 137-140
Early Childhood Education ECEECAPT 90-94
Energy Systems Technology EEIESAPT 91.4-102.4
Energy Systems Technology - HVACR HRMEASAPT 91.4
Enology and Viticulture VIEEVAPT 90-100
Fire Science FIGFSAPT 91
Health Information Technology MASHIAPT 92-93
Human & Social Services CHLHSAPT 91-110
Irrigation Business Management AMOIBAPT 90
John Deere Technology AMOJTAPT 111.4
Networking CSTNEAPT 90-93
Plant and Soil Science CRPPSAPT 98-108
Software Design CPVSDAPT 95
Turf Management TTMTMAPT 92
Watershed Management NRCWMAPT 94.4
Welding Technology WETWTAPT 120

Certificate Summary Chart

Accounting Assistant ATBAAC45 50
Administrative Office Assistant OOCAFC45 50
Agri-Business ABMABC45 52
Animal Science ALPASC45 46
Automotive Repair Technology AUMRTC45 55
Advanced Automotive Repair Technology AUMAAC01 19
Barbering BARBAC45 70
Carpentry CARCAC45 69.4-75.4
Advanced Carpentry CARACC20 20
Cellar Master VIECMC20 20
CNC Machine Operator CNCCOC45 55
Construction Trades Apprenticeship Preparation (CTAP) BCTCTC20 20
Collision Repair Technology ACRCTC45 78
Advanced Collision Repair Technology ACRAVC20 21
Commercial and Residential Irrigation AMOCRC45 46
Data Center Technician CSTDCC45 45
Diesel Technology DMTDTC45 80
Advanced Diesel Technology DMTATC20 20
Digital Design DMWDDC45 60
Early Childhood Education (State Certificate) ECESEC45 47
Initial Early Childhood Education (State Certificate) ECEECC01 12
Early Childhood Education Certificate of Specialization-Administration (State Certificate) ECEADC20 20
Early Childhood Education Certificate of Specialization-Family Child Care (State Certificate) ECEFCC20 20
Early Childhood Education Certificate of Specialization-General (State Certificate) ECEGEC20 20
Early Childhood Education Certificate of Specialization-Infants and Toddlers (State Certificate) ECEITC20 20
Early Childhood Education Certificate of Specialization-School Age Care (State Certificate) ECESAC20 20
Electrical Systems Technology EEIETC45 47.4
Emergency Medical Technician EMAETC01 10
Entrepreneurship BAMENC45 45
Energy Systems Technology: Mechanical Electrical Concentration EEIMEC20 23
Energy Systems Technology: Facilities Energy Management Concentration HRMEFC45 47
Energy Systems Technology: Industrial Electrical Maintenance CTTIEC45 53.4
Energy Systems Technology: Industrial Mechanics Concentration IMMICC20 44
Energy Systems Technology: Renewable Energy Concentration CTTREC45 48.2
Fermentation Science VIEFSC45 45-55
Fire Academy FIGFAC01 10
Fire Science FIGFSC45 49
Mechanical Electrical Technician EEIMEC20 25
Medical Billing and Coding Assistant MASMBC45 55
Nail Technician NTMNTC20 36
Nursing Assistant NAANAC01 7
Patient Navigation MMCPNC01 7
Phlebotomy PHLPHC01 9
Plant and Soil Science CRPPSC45 46
Software Design CPVSDC45 60
Turf Management TTMTMC45 52
Viticulture Science VIEVCC45 45
Welding Technology WETWTC45 68
Specialized Metals Welding WETALC45 53

Bachelor of Applied Science Summary Chart

Agricultural Systems
Concentrations available in:
- Ag Business

(Subplan code: BAS_AGSYS
Business Management
Concentrations available in:
- Criminal Justice Administration (Subplan code: BAS_CJ)
- Entrepreneurship (Subplan Code: BAS_ENTR)
- Marketing (Subplan code: BAS_MKTG)

(Subplan code: BAS_CJ)
(Subplan Code: BAS_ENTR)
(Subplan code: BAS_MKTG)

Each degree includes areas of study representing the breadth requirements to be completed. By completing these courses, students will develop skills and understanding related to the College wide outcomes – communication, critical thinking, information/technology, and community engagement – that shape the overall objectives of each degree.

Residence Requirements

A minimum of 30 credits that apply toward the degree earned at WWCC, and;

A minimum of two (2) quarters enrolled at WWCC, and;

Last 12 credits to be earned in Professional-Technical programs at WWCC unless waived by the Vice President of Instruction. This requirement does not apply to students earning transfer degrees [Associate of Arts degrees (AA), Associate of Science-Transfer degrees (AS-T), Major Related Program Direct Transfer Agreements (MRP/DTA)].

Students who leave WWCC without a transfer degree may transfer the required remaining credits from an accredited college back to WWCC to have their degree posted. Students need to meet the above requirements and send an official transcript from the transfer college to WWCC. For more information, please contact the Office of Admissions and Registrar.

Transfer Policy and Information

Walla Walla Community College offers courses in most academic areas. These courses meet requirements for associates’ degrees and will transfer to baccalaureate institutions within guidelines established by those schools. The courses and degrees offered are designed to enable the student to make a successful transition to a baccalaureate institution. Students who plan to transfer to a specific college or university should work with a transfer advisor both at the community college and at the baccalaureate institution they plan to attend.

While the agreements with Baccalaureate institutions assure the transfer of credit, the admission to a particular university or university program is not assured. Each institution has separate admission criteria which can be based on grades, prerequisite coursework, test scores, and other considerations.

Students who plan to transfer to a university should attend a college transfer workshop, work with a community college advisor, and make early contact with their intended transfer school.

Many universities have representatives who visit WWCC. Students are encouraged to visit with these representatives when they are on campus.

Ultimately, it is the student’s responsibility to become knowledgeable about the admission and graduation requirements of the baccalaureate institution he or she plans to attend.

For more information about transfer programs, contact Advising/Student Success Center (509.527.4262) or the Transfer Center (509.527.3679) in Walla Walla and (509.758.1721) in Clarkston.

Reciprocity Agreement

Washington Community and Technical Colleges (CTC) offer reciprocity to students transferring within the CTC system who are pursuing the Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA) Degree or the Associate in Science-Transfer (AS-T) Degree. Students who have completed an individual course that met distribution degree requirements or fulfilled entire areas of their degree requirements at one college will be considered to have met those same requirements if they plan to complete the same degree when they transfer to another community or technical college in Washington. These degree requirements include Communication Skills, Quantitative Skills, or one or more Distribution Area requirements. Students must initiate the review process and must be prepared to provide necessary documentation. For complete information, students should contact the Vice President of Instruction or the office of Admissions and Registrar.


Students may request for previously earned credit to be evaluated and transferred to their WWCC academic record. To have credits evaluated, students should complete a WWCC Application for Admission and have their previous college(s) send an official transcript to the WWCC Office of Admissions and Registrar (OAR). Once accepted to WWCC, students are required to fill out the Transcript Evaluation Request form available online on the Admissions page, indicating the degree they are seeking and the transcripts requesting to be evaluated.

Transfer of Credit

WWCC will review transcripts with credits from a regionally accredited institution with grades of D (1.0) or better, provided they are essentially equivalent in academic level and nature to classes offered at WWCC. If a course does not meet the equivalent of a course offered at WWCC, elective credit may be awarded. Courses are evaluated based on the degree or certificate the student is pursuing. A student must complete at least 30 credits at WWCC in order for WWCC to confer the degree.

Transfer of International College Credits

Credits earned at a higher education institution outside the United States may be evaluated for transfer purposes. Transcripts must be translated and evaluated course-by-course by a service listed as a member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation services.

Transfer of credits within the Washington State Community and Technical College system

Washington State Community and Technical Colleges offer reciprocity to students transferring within the CTC system who are pursuing the Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA) Degree or the Associate in Science-Transfer (AS-T) Degree. Students who have completed an individual course that met distribution degree requirements or fulfilled entire areas of their degree requirements at one college will be considered to have met those same requirements if they plan to complete the same degree when they transfer to another community or technical college in Washington. These degree requirements include Communication Skills, Quantitative Skills, or one or more Distribution Area requirements. Students must initiate the review process and must be prepared to provide necessary documentation.

Washington State Community and Technical College: Common Course Numbering

Common course numbering (CCN) for both academic and professional/technical courses was developed to provide ease of transfer between Washington State Community and Technical Colleges. Courses with these common course numberings are identified with an & after the subject prefix (ex. BIOL& 160), and are considered equivalent across all participating institutions. WWCC transfers these courses accordingly.

Reverse Transfer

WWCC participates in the Washington Reverse Articulation Program. Students who earn a baccalaureate degree may transfer courses to WWCC to complete an associate level degree if not previously earned.

If a student transfers an individual course that meets a Communication Skills, Quantitative Skills, or Distribution Requirement at the sending baccalaureate-granting institution for a specific bachelor’s degree, that course is considered to have met that same requirement at the receiving CTC for an associate’s degree, even if this course does not have an exact equivalent and even if the course credit is awarded through prior learning credit or completed at the 300 or 400 level.

If a student transfers an individual course that meets a Diversity Requirement at the sending baccalaureate-granting institution for a specific bachelor’s degree, that course is considered to have met that requirement at the receiving CTC for a specific associate’s degree, even if this course does not have an exact equivalent and even if the course credit is awarded through prior learning credit.

Awarding Academic Credit for Prior Learning (ACPL)

Academic credit for prior learning refers to the knowledge and skills gained through work and life experience; through military training and experience; and through formal and informal education and training from in-state and out-of-state institutions. WWCC follows the policies as outlined by the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (CTC), RCW 28B.77.239, RCW 28B.10.053, as well as the policies established by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.

To award ACPL, WWCC evaluates the knowledge, skills and abilities a student has gained through prior learning in relation to the knowledge, skills and abilities a student would gain by completing a specific course. If outcomes of prior learning equal outcomes of a specific course, then credit for this non-traditional learning may be awarded. Students must fill out the ACPL Request for Transcribed Credit form on the WWCC website to initiate the request for this kind of evaluation. A fee may be required before transcribing the credit onto a student’s transcript. ACPL is posted on a student’s transcript per the SBCTC Coding manual.

ACPL can be transcribed under the following categories:

Standardized Testing: Commonly accepted higher education equivalency exams that are documented via transcript or other official record. Credit for Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and Cambridge “A” and “AS” Level Exams are awarded credit based on the SBCTC Credit Policy for Dual Credit Exams and RCW 28B.77.239. Currently accepted credit for College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) are posted on the WWCC website. Other higher education equivalency exams may be evaluated on an individual basis.

Course Challenge: Challenge exams are sufficiently comprehensive to determine that the student has the same knowledge and skills as those students who enroll in and successfully complete the course. Upon completion of the Course Challenge, the student is awarded credit reflecting the final grade earned on the Course Challenge, if the grade is a C or higher.

Extra-Institutional Learning: WWCC may award credit based on knowledge and skills acquired outside the institution and objectively verified through industry certifications, such as the NCLEX-RN; industry-recognized testing/training, such as that addressed by the American Council on Education (ACE), particularly for the military; and occupational crosswalks, such as those for police, firefighters, and AmeriCorps.

Prior Experiential Learning: WWCC may award credit based on knowledge and skills acquired through experience alone, evaluated by qualified faculty via evaluation of a compilation of work. All prior learning assessment credits in this category are awarded through a prior experiential learning portfolio review, as in the HS21+ program.

Washington Reverse Articulation Program

Washington Community and Technical Colleges (CTC) have developed and adapted the following guidelines for reciprocity of transfer coursework from the Washington State Public Baccalaureates. If a student transfers an individual course that meets a Communication Skills, Quantitative Skills, or Distribution Requirement at the sending baccalaureate-granting institution for a specific bachelor’s degree, that course is considered to have met that same requirement at the receiving CTC for an associate’s degree, even if this course does not have an exact equivalent and even if the course credit is awarded through prior learning credit or completed at the 300 or 400 level.

If a student transfers an individual course that meets a Diversity Requirement at the sending baccalaureate-granting institution for a specific bachelor’s degree, that course is considered to have met that requirement at the receiving CTC for a specific associate’s degree, even if this course does not have an exact equivalent and even if the course credit is awarded through prior learning credit.

The receiving college retains the right to impose unique, local prerequisite and graduation requirements. Such requirements may include but are not limited to learning communities/coordinated studies requirements, writing-intensive course requirements, and/or physical education/health requirements.

Transfer Rights and Responsibilities

Source: www.wsac.wa.gov

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Students have the right to clear, accurate, and current information about their transfer admission requirements, transfer admission deadlines, degree requirements, and transfer policies that include course equivalencies.

Transfer and freshman-entry students have the right to expect comparable standards for regular admission to programs and comparable program requirements.

Students have the right to seek clarification regarding their transfer evaluation and may request the reconsideration of any aspect of that evaluation. In response, the college will follow established practices and processes for reviewing its transfer credit decisions.

Students who encounter other transfer difficulties have the right to seek resolution. Each Institution will have a defined process for resolution that is published and readily available to students.

Students have the responsibility to complete all materials required for admission and to submit the application on or before the published deadlines.

Students have the responsibility to plan their courses of study by referring to the specific published degree requirements of the college or academic program in which they intend to earn a bachelor’s degree.

When a student changes a major or degree program, the student assumes full responsibility for meeting the new requirements.

Students who complete the general education requirements at any public four-year institution of higher education in Washington, when admitted to another public four-year institution, will have met the lower division general education requirements of the institution to which they transfer.

College and University Rights and Responsibilities

Colleges and universities have the right and authority to determine program requirements and course offerings in accordance with their institutional missions.

Colleges and universities have the responsibility to communicate and publish their requirements and course offerings to students and the public, including information about student transfer rights and responsibilities.

Colleges and universities have the responsibility to communicate their admission and transfer related decisions to students in writing (electronic or paper).

If the college determines a student has completed a degree or certificate, the college has the right to confer that degree onto the student’s record.

Transfer Agreements

Direct Transfer Agreements with Baccalaureate Institutions

The baccalaureate (four-year) colleges and universities in Washington state listed below subscribe to the Inter-college Relations Commissions (ICRC) Guidelines for Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA). The DTA associates’ degrees are recognized as fulfilling most, if not all, of the general education requirements for these institutions. Students who complete a DTA will normally be granted junior standing upon admission. Students should check with their intended transfer institution for further details regarding any additional general education, major prerequisites and admission requirements. This list is subject to change. See your advisor for updated information and details of transfer.

  • Bastyr University
  • Central Washington University
  • City University
  • Cornish College of the Arts
  • Eastern Washington University
  • The Evergreen State College
  • Gonzaga University
  • Heritage University
  • Northwest Indian College
  • Northwest University
  • Pacific Lutheran University
  • Saint Martin’s University
  • Seattle Pacific University
  • Seattle University
  • University of Washington
  • UW - Bothell
  • UW - Tacoma
  • Washington State University
  • WSU - Tri-Cities
  • WSU - Vancouver
  • Western Governors University
  • Western Washington University
  • Whitworth College

Other Transfer Agreements

Walla Walla Community College has articulation agreements with a number of baccalaureate institutions such as Central Washington University, Eastern Oregon University, Lewis-Clark State College, University of Idaho, Washington State University, Oregon State University, and Western Governors University. For the most accurate list of all transfer agreements, visit www.wwcc.edu/transfer or call the Transfer Center at: 509.527.4262

Major Related Program Agreements (MRP)

To help transfer students better prepare for the junior year, two-year and baccalaureate institutions work together to create transfer associate pathways outlining the appropriate courses for students to be well prepared to enter the major upon transfer. Major Related Program (MRP) pathways follow one of the two statewide transfer agreements - the DTA format or the Associate in Science (AS-T) format. (See Transfer Degrees Summary Chart for a list of MRP’s)

Associate in Arts Degree Requirements

(Direct Transfer Agreement)

This degree is designed for students planning to transfer to a baccalaureate institution with junior standing. Students pursuing this degree should plan their programs at Walla Walla Community College in accordance with the requirements of the institution to which they plan to transfer.

To earn the Associate in Arts Degree (AA-DTA), a student must complete at least 90 credit hours in designated college transfer courses numbered 100 or above with a minimum college-level GPA of 2.0, and include a minimum of 63 credit hours in general education courses to fulfill the learning outcomes as described in this section.

Important Notice

Within the Associate in Arts Degree, 75 of the 90 credits should be fully transferrable as defined by the receiving baccalaureate institution. Transfer students should plan their degrees in accordance with the requirements of the institution to which they plan to transfer. They should also be aware that colleges within universities may have admission requirements significantly higher than the 2.0 GPA required for the AA Degree, and they may look at performance in specific classes in determining a student’s admission.

Selecting the appropriate courses in fulfilling the AA Degree saves students time and expense in completing the requirements of a bachelor’s degree. Courses that are considered upper division (junior-senior level) at a baccalaureate institution may need to be repeated if taken at a community college.

Students may meet graduation requirements in the catalog current at the time of their initial enrollment, provided enrollment toward their educational objective is continuous (from quarter to quarter) during the academic years involved. Otherwise, graduation requirements will be those listed in the catalog in use at the time of graduation.

Students intending to transfer courses from professional-technical degrees should consult with an advisor/navigator in Student Services in Clarkston or the Student Success Center in Walla Walla and an advisor at the baccalaureate institution where they plan to transfer. 

AA-DTA Degree Requirements

Communications [C] 13 credits
* Diversity [D]  
Humanities [H][HP] 15 credits
Natural Science [NS] 15 credits
Quantitative Skills [Q] 5 credits
Social Science [SS] 15 credits
Physical Education [PE] 3 credits
Electives   24 credits
AA-DTA Degree Total   90 credits

* This is met through distribution areas and does not increase the # of credits required for the degree. (See Diversity Requirements)

See the Master List of Transfer Courses for specific details.

Important Requirements for the AA-DTA Degree

Intermediate Algebra Proficiency

All students must be proficient in intermediate algebra. This requirement may be satisfied by completion of high school mathematics through second year algebra (as determined by WWCC Math Department review of HS transcript), by course challenge or other placement examination demonstrating mastery of intermediate algebra skills, or by completion of an intermediate algebra course equivalent to MATH 021 , MATH 037 , MATH 046 , or MATH 041  with a minimum grade of C or a mathematics course for which intermediate algebra is a prerequisite.

Electives - 24 credits

Other college-level courses, of which a maximum of 15 credits may be in college-level as defined by WWCC, and 9 credits must be fully transferable as defined by the receiving Institution (please see Master List of Transferable Courses).

Diversity Requirement for the AA-DTA

The diversity requirement is in support of the values of our college. Courses meeting the WWCC Diversity requirement are distributed throughout the General Education categories and are double-designated with other distribution requirements.

All approved “[D]” Diversity courses:

Course Designators For Degree Requirements

These designators are included in course descriptions to indicate which degree requirements specific courses meet.

Communications [C]
Diversity [D]
Humanities [H]
Humanities - Performing/Fine Arts [HP]
Natural Science [NS]
Quantitative Skills [Q]
Physical Education [PE]
Social Science [SS]

Note: Courses that are denoted with an “&” behind the department code are Common Course Numbers (CCN), commonly shared among Washington’s community and technical colleges. Ex. ENGL& 101 

Associate in Science Transfer Degree

The Associate in Science Transfer Degree is intended for students majoring in science who wish to transfer to baccalaureate institutions in Washington. Two different options are offered: 1) biological science, chemistry, geology, environmental/resource sciences, and earth science and 2) computer science, physics, atmospheric science, and engineering. This degree allows students to concentrate on fulfilling pre-major coursework in their intended field of study.

A cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher is required for successful completion of this degree.

Coursework is concentrated in specific mathematic and science requirements. Additional coursework in general education, humanities and social sciences will be required at the transfer institution. Some remaining general education requirements may be satisfied with upper division courses. Students need to meet with department advisors at the baccalaureate institution to determine an appropriate educational plan.

Bachelor of Applied Science Degree

A Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) Degree adds junior and senior level coursework to two-year professional technical degrees. Upon completion, students can enter the workforce or continue their education at the graduate level. Requirements include the following:

Achieved at least an associate in applied science degree prior to beginning a BAS degree program.

  • A minimum of 180 quarter credits in an approved program.
  • Last 12 credits to be earned at WWCC unless waived by the Vice President of Instruction.
  • A minimum of 30 upper division quarter credits within the specified program must be taken in residence.
  • A cumulative GPA of 2.0.
  • A minimum of 60 credits in general education instruction.
  • Certain professional-technical programs require minimum proficiency levels and/or a minimum number of clock hours of attendance.
  • Most professional-technical programs have program-specific requirements; see course sequences and degree requirements listed under each program.

Associate in Applied Sciences Degree

An Associate in Applied Sciences (AAS) Degree is designed primarily for students planning to enter a career directly upon graduation. Requirements include the following:

  • A minimum of 90 quarter credits in an approved program.
  • Six quarters of instruction or the instructor’s recommendation.
  • Last 12 credits to be earned at WWCC unless waived by the Vice President of Instruction.
  • A minimum of 30 quarter credits within the specified program must be taken in residence.
  • A cumulative GPA of 2.0.
  • A minimum of 15 credits in related instruction.
  • Certain professional-technical programs require minimum proficiency levels and/or a minimum number of clock hours of attendance.
  • Most professional-technical programs have program-specific requirements; see course sequences and degree requirements listed under each program.

Related Instruction Requirements: 15 Credits

Courses designated as meeting related instruction requirements for certificates and degrees are listed in each professional-technical/workforce program course sequence. Some courses satisfy multiple requirements. Courses utilize the following initials:

W = Written Communications
M = Computation/Mathematics
R = Human Relations
O = Oral Communications

Written Communications (W):

Course options:

Computation / Mathematics (M):

Students should check with their advisor for the minimum level of computation required in their program. Course options:

Human Relations (R):

Course options:

Oral Communications:

Course options:

Certificates and Endorsements

Students who complete core courses in one year of an approved professional-technical program and nine credits of related instruction may receive a certificate upon request from the student.

A Short Program Endorsement may be provided to completers of state authorized programs upon request from the student. The authorized Short Program Endorsement requires 19 credits (or fewer) and is completed in one quarter (or fewer). Students must complete with a “C” average in order to be awarded the certificate or endorsement. Refer to the appropriate program for sequence information.

Workforce Program Information

Professional-Technical programs provide instruction in the knowledge and skills required in a wide variety of occupations that demand education beyond high school. Students prepare for employment by completing a two-year degree, the Associate in Applied Sciences, or by completing shorter-term certificate programs. Also offered are refresher, update, and improvement courses for students with occupational experience. Programs are taught by skilled, industry-knowledgeable instructors who are guided by industry advisory committees and state and national industry skill standards. In many fields Professional-Technical education may enhance employment opportunities by providing the student with the education and industry certifications desired by employers.

Alternatives for the Transfer of Professional-Technical Programs

Some colleges and universities offer special transfer arrangements for students in professional-technical programs to work toward a baccalaureate degree. Other alternatives for the transfer of professional-technical programs are being developed by individual colleges. Students should contact the admissions office at the baccalaureate institutions for specific details.








Master List of Transfer Courses