Oct 01, 2024  
2024-2025 WWCC College Catalog 
2024-2025 WWCC College Catalog

CHEM& 121 - Introduction to Chemistry

Credits: 5
LEC hours per week: 4
LAB hours per week: 2
This course provides a fundamental survey of inorganic chemistry and is intended for Nursing and Allied Health science majors in fulfillment of the pre-nursing (or health care related) program lab science requirements. Topics include atomic structure, bonding, periodicity, stoichiometry, gases, equilibrium, solution chemistry, acids, bases, and buffers. Formerly: CHEM 107.
Prerequisite(s): MATH 046  with a P or appropriate placement; ENGL 087  or AENG 100  with a grade of C or higher or appropriate placement; or permission of the Science Division Chair or designee.
Course Outcomes:
  • Differentiate between major chemical categories, including: states of matter; metals vs. nonmetals; ionic compounds vs. covalent compounds; solutes vs. solvents.
  • Solve quantitative problems using discipline-specific tools, including: scientific units and metric conversion; stoichiometry and dimensional analysis; and solution concentration.
  • Solve qualitative problems using thermodynamics and kinetics; chemical equilibrium and pH; radioactive decay principles.
  • Sketch the atom in terms of the major subatomic particles, their location, masses and charges; explain the arrangement of the periodic table and periodic trends in terms of electron quantization.
  • Recognize simple examples of oxidation-reduction and metathesis reactions; describe the pH behavior of household solutions, buffers, and physiologic fluids.
  • Draw Lewis structures for simple molecules and polyatomic ions.
  • Predict the shape, polarity, and solubility of simple molecules on the basis of VSEPR and intermolecular forces.
  • Analyze data gathered by the safe use of laboratory glassware, equipment and reagents.
  • Critique the precision, accuracy, and explanatory power of laboratory data.
Course Topics:
  1. Matter, Energy and Measurement
  2. Atoms, Molecules and Ions
  3. Chemical Reactions
  4. Gases, Liquids and Solids
  5. Solutions and Colloids
  6. Reaction Rates and Equilibrium
  7. Acids, Bases and Buffers
Course Attribute(s): Lab Course