Feb 10, 2025  
2023-2024 WWCC College Catalog 
2023-2024 WWCC College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

CAP 021 - Introductory Algebra for Precalculus

Credits: 5
LEC hours per week: 5
CAP 021 is an introductory algebra course intended to prepare students for the corequisite Precalculus I course pair. CAP 021 focuses on developing and applying numeric, algebraic, graphic, and metacognitive skills necessary for success in MATH 041 - Corequisite Algebra for MATH& 141 . This course will satisfy the Algebra 2 requirement for HS+ credit. Formerly: ABE 023.
Course Outcomes:
  • Use decimal place value to read and order numbers on a number line.
  • Convert between decimal and scientific notation.
  • Calculate with and convert between decimals, fractions, and percentages and interpret their significance in a variety of contexts.
  • Use dimensional analysis to convert units of time, length, area, volume, and speed.
  • Use Order of Operations to evaluate expressions including those with fractions, square roots, absolute value, and integer exponents.
  • Translate between simple word phrases and mathematical notation, using variables to represent quantities where necessary.
  • Evaluate a formula given a list of variable values.
  • Solve single variable linear equations and proportions.
  • Solve linear inequalities and graph their solutions on the number line.
  • Solve multivariable equations or formulae for a given variable.
  • Read and interpret graphs, charts, and tables.
  • Create and use the graphs of points and lines in the plane. 
  • Generate an equation of a line given sufficient characteristics.
  • Create, use, and interpret linear models in a variety of authentic settings. 
  • Model with, and solve, systems of two linear equations in two variables.
  • Add, subtract, multiply, and simplify polynomial expressions.
  • Apply Polya’s four-step problem-solving process.
  • Use technology as a tool for calculating and graphing.
  • Explain the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset.
  • Practice productive struggle to creatively solve problems, enhance metacognition, and strengthen independent learning.