Dec 21, 2024
2024-2025 WWCC College Catalog
COSM 112 - Practical Application I Credits: 1-7 CLIN hours per week: 22 Introduction to the basic services of cosmetology. Course Outcomes:
- Practice safety and. sanitary measures in all phases of Cosmetology designated for beginning students.
- Complete all skill assignments.
- Use communication and interpersonal skills with clients and peers.
- Practice Washington State Cosmetology regulations and laws.
Course Topics:
- Haircutting, trimming and (razors/scissors) Shampoo, Rinse, Draping and Safety
- Manicuring, Pedicuring and Safety/Sanitation
- Facial, Massage, and Safety
- Permanent Waving
- Intro to Color and Safety
- Infection Control
- Rollers, Pincurls, and Safety
Course Attribute(s): None