Dec 21, 2024
2024-2025 WWCC College Catalog
CS 140 - JavaScript I Credits: 1-5 LAB hours per week: 10 Students learn the fundamentals of object orientated programming (OOP) in JavaScript (JS). Students apply an understanding of JS syntax, data structures, logic and dataflow to capture, process and transform user interactions in web pages. Students build projects using server-side JS, JS APIs and JS native modules in a cohesive codebase. Course Outcomes:
- Develop JS code for use in web pages.
- Understand and utilize the fundamentals of OOP and complex data processing
- Control website behavior using data types, data structures, and logical dataflow and functions.
- Explain the role of Node.js, APIs and native modules.
- Troubleshoot problems related to code execution.
Course Topics:
- Basic programming concepts in JS
- Literals, variables, constants and data structures
- Control flow patterns
- Expressions and operators
- Functions
- Scope
- Array methods and processing
- Objects and OOP
- Maps and sets
- Asynchronous programming: intervals, events, callbacks; promises, try and catch; await and then
- Regular expressions
- Native modules
- Node.js and server-side JavaScript
Course Attribute(s): None